Here you can search our worldwide Directory of Integral Sound Healing Practitioners. This page allows you to locate the one nearest to you.

You can search by the name of the practitioner (if you know it), by country, or by the type of qualification they hold.  If searching for a known practitioner, try using JUST the first name or JUST the Last Name (and not both).

Please note that some searches, for example by country, may reveal a large number of practitioners. There may be more than one page of results. So please click on extra pages to see the full list.

We also have practitioners providing Integral Sound Healing Training (SHA Teachers) in a growing number of countries.

Please see our Sound Healing Teachers Directory for more details. Click here to go to the Sound Healing Academy website.

Please note that the email addresses provided on this site are strictly for client inquiries and professional communication. Any use for unsolicited marketing or promotional purposes is prohibited. 
